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  • Writer's pictureJessie Effendi

3 Reasons Why the Fujifilm X100V is the Perfect Camera for Everybody

Recently I was able to get my hands on the Fujifilm X100V after waiting months for it to be back in stock. I must say, it was well worth the wait and I think it is a fantastic piece of equipment to have for both amateurs and professional photographers alike. If you're new here, I am primarily an artist but I like to dabble in photography for documenting my life and gathering references for my work. Check out this link to get notifications for when the camera is in stock. Here are 3 reasons why I think the Fujifilm X100V is a great companion tool for artists:

X100V on top of my Pakt Everyday Sling (love this bag). Taken with my iPhone 12 Pro

Reason # 1: Portability and ease of use

As a creative on-the-go, I truly value when my equipment is portable. As much as I'd love to have a versatile camera where I can capture shots with different lenses, tripods and other equipment; that all becomes very bulky and heavy to carry around. I like the idea of having a fixed lens on the X100V because it forces me to work with what I have and not rely on other tools. Plus the fact that I can just toss the camera into my jacket pocket or sling when not in use just makes it so much easier. Aside from portability, using this camera is super easy once you've got all your settings the way you want them. You can treat it like a point and shoot or when you really want to, you can shoot manually.

Reason # 2: Film Simulations

Image captured of my fiancee while crossing the bridge at South Coast Plaza

One of the bigger reasons I purchased this camera is because of the use of something called film simulations. Essentially, this camera allows you to use "film recipes" to create a specific look for the end product. Think of it as a filter that's already applied to your photos when taking the shots. There's a lot of resources out there to set up your film simulations. The biggest resource is definitely the blog: Fuji X Weekly. They also have an app you could download on your phone for easy access to different recipes! I love the idea of not having to go back into lightroom to make adjustments. Eliminating the need for editing saves me time and makes it feel like I'm shooting with a film camera. Essentially the way I look at the images is what you get is what you got. Not only do I get the feeling of shooting film with this camera, but I also don't have to go through the trouble of getting my film developed. If you do like having the ability to edit your photos, you have the choice to save both jpegs and raw versions of each picture. So when you're not feelin' lazy, you can edit photos in lightroom or your choice of software.

Reason # 3: Fun

Captured this picture of Kai while we were moving things around in the apartment

Lastly, why take photos if you're not having fun taking photos? Everything I said earlier makes creating images with the Fujifilm X100V a blast. The portability along with the film recipes make it so easy to pull the camera out and get a shot. Sometimes I choose a simulation for the day and I could simply pull the camera out and get a shot. Other times I'll focus in and use the manual focus and adjust the exposure compensation to make sure the image looks just right. This camera really is what you want it to be for photography. I can't wait to take this camera out on trips and make beautiful memories with it. I hope you guys consider getting this camera and check out the great reviews and shots people take on YouTube. It's such an amazing piece of gear!


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